Sunday, April 11, 2010


So finally a post about Venice. I think I will try to make my posts longer instead of 5 or 6 posts for each city. I am sure most people reading this have either already been to Venice or know enough about it and its terrible labyrinth of canals and roads. I really enjoyed the city but it took way too long to go from place to place. We were really only there for 1 whole day so I didn't get to do everything I wanted (like the Murano Glass school), but I did make it to the Guggenheim Museum which was great. I really enjoyed getting a little modern art into my life again (and between the Guggenheim and the Punta Dogana, I should be good for a while). I also went into St. Mark's and just hung out by the canals. This was the last night of our class trip so we went out for class dinner to a really good seafood restaurant. We had pasta with clams and shrimp and other assorted seafood bits. I am not sure why I don't have any pictures because they would have been helpful in showing the awesome quantities of seafood I ate. We left the next morning early to fly back to Rome and I had about a 5 hour gap between arriving in Rome and leaving again to catch my flight to Dublin on Saturday night.

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