Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Easter Sunday - Hanging with the Pope

The Vatican at around 6 in the morning
This was the line to get into the Vatican - we were pretty close to the front

The Pope actually wasn't this far away it's just that my zoom on my camera is worse than the naked eye
For the times I couldn't see because of umbrellas I had a giant screen to look at

A group of us from class got up extra early on Sunday morning to get seats for the Easter Mass at the Vatican. It was the second time I saw the Pope is three days with the other being Good Friday near the Colliseum. We got there in plenty of time and were able to get seats. Unfortunately it rained quite a bit so the seats weren't too useful. S Peter's Square was really full with people from all over the world and the Pope gave a blessing at the end of the mass in a lot of different languages.

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