Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last few days

Inside S Peters

Views of the dome and from the dome

The Spanish Steps in Spring

Castel S'Angelo - old mausoleum and fortress
My favorite pizza place -in Campo dei Fiori

Flower and fruit stands at the morning market in Campo dei Fiori

Ancient ruins that are now a cat sanctuary - very near studio so I passed it all the time
Probably my favorite fountain and street (right next to each other and both close to studio). The street had a lot of great art galleries and restoration shops

Portico d'Ottavia - I saw these everyday on my walk to class - the Portico used to house two temples inside of it

These last images are of S Ivo. It was one of the churches I was looking forward to seeing the most and it took me until the last week to make it. It was designed by Borromini (marker above from a different church) who designed many of my favorite spaces in Rome.

Well, I have only two days left in Rome. Studio is over and I have had a lot of free time these last few days to go out and revisit different parts of Rome and finally visit S Peter's dome. These are some of the photos I took recently and will probably be the final posts for my semester. Thanks to everyone who read and commented on my blog and I hope it was enjoyable. If anything exciting happens to me this summer (haha) I will try to blog about it and keep this site going. Ciao.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron,

Are you Foley caught up on your blog?
Have a good summer.
