Monday, March 29, 2010

More from Verona

Verona was a really nice city, even in the cold weather. I didn't have too much time to visit anything special but I was able to wander the city a little. The architecture there is really unique to the city which is something that gives it character. I was lucky to avoid all Romeo and Juliet stuff in the city which probably made it even more enjoyable.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just another lady cruising around Verona

More Scarpa - Museo di Castelvecchio, Verona

Castelvecchio Museum is an old castle in Verona that was renovated/modified by Carol Scarpa. Scarpa designed all of the displays for the artwork such as the metal piece holding the up the statues in the last image. The museum has a really great collection of Gothic and Renaissance artwork. These pieces are especially nice because they represent the history of the Verona area rather than just general Renaissance artwork. There is a different style to northern Italian artwork and Scarpa did a great job presenting it. The combination of the new and old was perfect. This was my favorite place to see in Verona by far.

If you are ever in Verona, you definitely need to visit Castelvecchio. Here's a link to more info

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

King Roselli Architecture

I got to interview Jeremy King of King Roselli Architecture today. Pretty cool to see how their office works and how they go about attacking a design problem. Here is the specific building I am researching for a class - The nicest thing about the firm was seeing all of the sketches and study models pinned up all over the office. Also, Jeremy talking about the firm's desire to not work with digital models - it's always nice to see that there are still architects who still work with pen and paper.

Here is another blog with some pages of Architectural Record copied about the project.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bassano del Grappa

Bassano del Grappa was a small city that we stopped at between Brion Cemetery and Verona. The bridge was originally designed by Palladio (but burnt down a couple times) - there is much more Palladio to come in later cities.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Brion - Part 2

Brion Cemetery

The first stop on my week-long class field trip was to Brion Cemetery. This cemetery is famous for the designs of Carlo Scarpa for the small chapel, meditation pavilion, and overall burial site for the Brion Family.

I'm Back

I'm back and I've got a lot of stuff from the last two weeks of travel. I think I am going to try to spread everything out over the next few days so I don't get overwhelmed. Maybe a city/site or two a day. Also, if anyone has any suggestions on things they want to see in the blog please let me know - I'm here to serve.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


No updates for the next two weeks while I travel. This week I will be heading to northeastern Italy to Venice and some surrounding cities and the following week I will be meeting my fam in Ireland. I hope everyone finds something to fill the void in their hearts that my absence will create. Good Luck.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010